Navigating The Web in A World Full of Constraints
CityJS Singapore 2023, 28 July 2023
How I architected multiple websites using various sets of technologies to meet the objectives at hand with the given constraints at the time.
One of my favorite ways to share my ideas is live on stage, where there’s so much more communication bandwidth than there is in writing, and I love podcast interviews because they give me the opportunity to answer questions instead of just present my opinions.
CityJS Singapore 2023, 28 July 2023
How I architected multiple websites using various sets of technologies to meet the objectives at hand with the given constraints at the time.
Dicoding Developer Conference 2023, 11 February 2023
What I believe will be the next transition of the web. In the talk, I dug into the latest streaming features of Remix and Next.js.
Websight by Niagahoster 2022, 17 March 2022
A deep dive on the technical aspects to improve of website SEO incrementally.
GDG Jakarta DevFest 2021, 28 November 2021
I was one of the three speakers in the Web Day. I shared about how the we evolved the Search Engine Optimization of website.
JSConf Asia 2019, 15 June 2019
A journey in using State Machines along with React Hooks at Ninja Van
Codevcast, 14 August 2023
My learning-in-public story about speaking in local meetups and international conferences.
Cerita Gagal Bareng Sigit, 18 October 2021
My failure stories in maintaining ReactJS and Frontend Indonesia communities.
Muslim Hackfest, 1 February 2021
A talkshow about how we built KawalCOVID19 website collaboratively in a short amount of time.
Agile Ambition, 23 December 2020
A discussion about various ways to overcome coder's block.
Metro TV 15 Minutes, 28 October 2020
My first appearance on Metro TV, a national TV in Indonesia. I talked about my technological contribution in KawalCOVID19 for Indonesia during the pandemic.
Pujangga Teknologi Edisi Turun Gunung, 10 September 2020
I was one of the panelists discussing about double-track career opportunities for Software Engineers.
Ceritanya Developer Podcast, 9 April 2020
How I became a developer, and what I learned in my journey.
Hijra Engineering Talks, 24 September 2022
An interactive live coding session to demonstrate reliable testing for web applications.
Niagahoster Devcussion 12, 18 July 2022
An interactive live coding session to demonstrate how to implement SEO best practices.
Bedah Praktek Insinyur Online, 8 September 2021
An interactive discussion about scaling frontend development.
Indigo x Deep Tech Meetup, 17 February 2021
An introduction to Software Engineering field.
Deep Tech x Komunitas Programmer Makasar, 9 October 2020
A webinar about the importance of unit testing in the web frontend development.
Deep Tech Talk, 6 October 2020
A webinar about getting better in JavaScript fundamentals while using ReactJS.
React Knowledgeable, 5 December 2019
A story about managing internationalization on Ninja Van website across multiple countries in South East Asia
React Knowledgeable, 7 November 2019
Rethinking approaches in testing React applications
ReactJS Indonesia, 16 July 2019
Rethinking approaches in testing React applications
Makers Institute, 1 November 2017
Find the "why" you should work in it
Facebook Developer Circles Bandung, 1 October 2017
Bukalapak journey with Go, particularly in Bandung office.
BandungJS, 24 July 2017
My journey in learning Redux as a backend developer